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Body & Mind Cleanse
A general all-rounded cleanse with a balance of fruits and vegetables. Detoxifies the lymphatic system and alleviates stress on your organs from constantly overworking. Assists to restore hydration and allows your body the extra energy to detoxify and regenerate, making way for healing of body and mind.
Citrus Tonic / Fresh Green / Sweet Green / Sweet Perfection / Roots / Watermelon Bliss
Body & Mind Veggies
Another all-rounded cleanse, though more vegetable focused for those who want less fruit. Still containing a little fruit as it assists our body to flush out toxins more quickly, supports the adrenals and also provides us with the necessary healthy sugars our brain and nervous system needs to function correctly. Vegetables detoxify more slowly than fruits, but are nutrient dense and still allows your organs and digestive system to rest.
Green Heart / Detox Green / Carrot Heaven / Red Cabbage / Sweet Perfection / Watermelon Bliss
Liver & Kidney Cleanse
A cleanse to detoxify the liver and kidneys improving their ability to function correctly. Assists in wakening a stagnant, fatty liver helping to loosen and disperse fat cells while breaking down toxic liver heat. Helps to restore the liver and kidneys by neutralising and flushing out toxins as well as soothing, nourishing and cooling both the organs which are often overused and overheated, struggling to keep up to the task.
Celery / Hibiscus Lemonade / Liver Rescue / Soothing C / Detox Green / Radish
Cold & Flu immunity cleanse
Assists in breaking down, fighting and starving pathogens such as unproductive bacteria, mold, yeast, parasites and fungus. Promotes healthy gut bacteria and strengthens the entire immune system helping prevent colds and flus
Celery / Garlic Tonic / Radish / Herb Packed / Detox Grenn / Watermelon Bliss
clear skin cleanse
A cleanse targeted to strengthen and support the skin. Assists in repairing damaged skin, preventing skin cancers and in clearing up eczema, psoriasis and acne allowing your skin to glow again
**Don't be discouraged by the fruits. The fruits are the most powerful, cleansing, rejuvenating tonic for the skin.
Celery / Watermelon Bliss / Detox Green / Liver Rescue / Grape Mix / Piña Aloe
Medical Medium Cleanse
Using ingredients and juice combinations recommended by Medical Medium. Focusing on apples, cucumbers and celery as they contain "the right balance of mineral salts, potassium and natural sugar to stabilise your glucose levels as your body cleanses itself of toxins". Also with the added cilantro and spirulina to help rid the body of heavy metals
Celery / Liver Rescue / Heavy Metal / Spiced Apple / Healing / Watermelon Bliss